Blue Sky Header S

Sends up to one opponent who's in the ball's path flying.
A special move used by Louis Napoleon, the passionate power-kicking striker. He reacts before anyone else can to a high-flying ball, taking a high-angle header shot straight for the goal.
Rank: S Type: Header Video:
Rank Min: Lv.1 Max: Lv.99
Force Min: 31700 Max: 55500
Required Stamina Min: 510 Max: 510
Ratio Min: 0.62 Max: 1.09
Blow Off: 1 Foul: 0%
Distance Decay yes
Angle Decay yes
Power by Level

Goal Judgements

Encounter Success Goal Post Ball Push Clear
Normal vs Normal 97% 1.8% 0.9% 0.3%
Skill vs Normal 97% 1.8% 0.9% 0.3%
Normal vs Skill 97% 1.8% 0.9% 0.3%
Skill vs Skill 97% 1.8% 0.9% 0.3%



Players with Blue Sky Header S

i p Total O D P S ...
FW 1362 158064 59161 38740 60163 0