Supernatural Two-Stage Aerial Overhead Kick A

No special effects.
The Special Skill used by Tsubasa, the "Football Kid" against Natureza. He sends the ball even higher after trapping it in an aerial battle, slamming an all-or-nothing overhead shot while shaking off pursuers.
Rank: A Type: Header Video:
Rank Min: Lv.1 Max: Lv.80
Force Min: 22700 Max: 37800
Required Stamina Min: 335 Max: 335
Ratio Min: 0.68 Max: 1.13
Blow Off: 0 Foul: 0%
Distance Decay yes
Angle Decay yes
Power by Level

Goal Judgements

Encounter Success Goal Post Ball Push Clear
Normal vs Normal 97% 1.8% 0.9% 0.3%
Skill vs Normal 97% 1.8% 0.9% 0.3%
Normal vs Skill 97% 1.8% 0.9% 0.3%
Skill vs Skill 97% 1.8% 0.9% 0.3%


Players with Supernatural Two-Stage Aerial Overhead Kick

i p Total O D P S ...
OMF 1320 90889 32538 28352 29999 0
OMF 1320 90889 32538 28352 29999 0
OMF 1418 95523 34439 27068 34016 0